Malta Diġitali (“the Strategy”) sets out the national strategy for 2022-2027 and highlights how Malta intends to maintain its momentum as a leader in digital transformation while remaining mindful of social and economic opportunities and challenges that arise. It sets out how Government shall act not only in its traditional role as policy maker, promoter and regulator, but also as a catalyst for change through digitalisation alongside other social and economic actors.
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The Strategy is built around a
vision of establishing digital as the
key driving force for transformation
– where life in Malta is further
improved, business thrives and
government services are more
accessible. To achieve this vision,
several goals have been identified
that the nation will work towards
while the Strategy is being
implemented. These goals are
supported by six guiding principles
that encompass how digital
should be applied and focused.
Consequently, one of the
Strategy’s focal points addresses
the diverse needs, requirements
and expectations of various
cohorts of Malta’s society and
economy – specifically, the
way digital can make a real
difference in daily life, the digital
opportunities that arise, and
the related challenges that
will need to be addressed. This
methodology is enabled via
a persona-driven approach,
which covers society, business
and Government and through
which several strategic actions
are outlined. In the process,
the Strategy emphasises some
key ongoing projects launched
through Mapping Tomorrow:
A Strategic Plan for the Digital
Transformation of the Public
Administration 2019-2021 and
through Achieving a Service of
Excellence: A 5-Year Strategy for
the Public Service.
These projects include the full
end-to-end digital transformation
of all front-end and back-end
services; the application of the
Once-Only Principle (OOP), such
that users of digital government
services do not need to re-enter
data which Government already
holds; the introduction of digital
registers and platforms to simplify
citizen and business interactions;
and the introduction of service
design principles to enhance
user experience across digital
government services.
Another of the Strategy’s focal
points looks at how digital can
shape and strengthen Malta’s
economy. More specifically, this
is being addressed through a
strategic course of action that
investigates growth through
innovation and further digital
strategic focus on various
sectors of social and economic
importance. Government plays a
leading role by further investing
in emerging technologies,
such as by setting up a digital
innovation hub (DIH) , providing
access to government open
datasets, expanding funding for
research and innovation (R&I),
and cultivating an ecosystem
that is conducive to and
supportive of digitalisation.
Both areas of focus, however,
cannot be successful without
paying attention to a number
of enablers, key among
which are those related to
regulation and legislation, digital
infrastructure and funding, as
well as cybersecurity, data and
eSkills. The latter three shall be
further addressed via upcoming
strategies in the context of
increasing digital progress
and related opportunities
and challenges.
Ultimately, the Strategy seeks to
identify the specific levers that will
lead to the right outcomes. Yet, it
is not prescriptive in its approach.
Government will play a key role
in driving forward many of the
initiatives, but for the Strategy to
be successful, the private sector
and Maltese society must also
play their part.
Malta Diġitali
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